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The purpose of this site is to track my progress as I explore nutrition and exercise. Hopefully you will find my experiences valuable, and be motivated to pursue a healthier lifestyle for yourself.

Finally! a real person tries "Acai Burn" (Don't buy into that garbage)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednsday Thursday Friday Saturday
Rest 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min HIIT, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min HIIT, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training Rest
Rest Rest 2 hour MMA class Rest 2 hour MMA class Rest Rest

Friday, March 14, 2008

Day 26- The wagon went to a rest stop

Yesterday I went out to lunch with my co-worker. We went to applebee's and I got a Cesar grilled chicken salad. I ate it without the dressing, and did not touch my croutons, so my sugar intake was still really low, but I'm sure the chicken was cheating, so I confess. I have to say though, it wasn't that bad after lunch, I was still hungry so its not like I stuffed myself. One interesting thing to note though, when I went to dinner I just ordered a normal amount of food (not warrior portion) and after eating it I was full. I've been kind of weary of the fact that I'm eating a ton at one time, and was wondering if I for some reason decided to go back to my old ways, would be able to go back to "normal" portions, without feeling the need to stuff myself. So yesterday gave me a little peace of mind. Oh, and after dinner I had a pack of mento's and some of my girlfriend's sour patch kids (Oh yeah, I figured if it was a cheat day, I was going all out :D) Lets just say... super processed sugar seems to have more of an effect after you've been off it for a while.

So I guess I'm glad that the wagon pulled over for a little bit, but I'm glad to be back on the road.

power lifting is going good, I've met my goals every day this week. I found out what my 1 rep max was, then bumped it back by 20%, and am adding 5 lbs a day for a ten workout cycle. Then at the end of my cycle I'll re-test my 1 rep max and repeat the cycle. slowly climbing my way up to massive lifts :D. I'm doing the same thing for my bench press, and I've added wide-grip pull ups to my routine, to make sure I'm working my upper back. I've taken the last couple of days off of the heavy bag because my shoulder was getting pretty sore, I think I'm hitting it too hard, go figure. I'll start that back up on Monday.


Splint Chesthair said...

I found that I can eat during without any crashes as long as it isn't high GI carbs. But yeah, I can barely stand candy now because it makes me feel so drowsy. I guess that's a good thing.

I'm not sure how long you've been hitting the heavy bag but the thing that really increased my results and the benefits of heavy bag work was focusing on the pulling of punches. Your punches should be returning to the guard as fast as possible (for protection). Focusing on pulling your punches increases the work being done and reduces the tendency to push through on the punch, which may be a source of your shoulder injuries.

Wild at Heart said...

I think you hit the nail right on the head with the heavybag work. I've only been boxing for about a year, (well, I only spared for the first 5 months of that year, lately i've just been doing the bagwork) so I'm still new the the sport.