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The purpose of this site is to track my progress as I explore nutrition and exercise. Hopefully you will find my experiences valuable, and be motivated to pursue a healthier lifestyle for yourself.

Finally! a real person tries "Acai Burn" (Don't buy into that garbage)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednsday Thursday Friday Saturday
Rest 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min HIIT, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min HIIT, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training Rest
Rest Rest 2 hour MMA class Rest 2 hour MMA class Rest Rest

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Day 6- Dinner

I think my metabolism is starting to speed up...

I went to see a movie with my girlfriend and couldn't get over how strong and good the popcorn smelled. I didn't get any, but I was definitely hungry, which is good. I'm sold on the idea of water fast through the day, I start to get really hungry around dinner-time, but through the day I feel great!

Anyways, we went out to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner after the movie, first of all, I was hyper. I think it was the coffee we had before the movie (caffeine has never really done much for me, but now it really does). I ordered the 12oz steak (the biggest one they had) and while I was waiting for my meal I grabbed a plateful of spinach and put salt on it, I'm not kidding you when I tell you the taste was perfect, A mix of sweat and salty. When the steak came I started on the steak, eating the whole thing, then I moved onto the mashed potato's (they have really good mashed potato's.... fyi), then I ate all of my steamed broccoli and my piece of whole wheat toast.

You know how the waiter always asks if anyone saved room for desert? And you always say no, for various reasons (being too full, watching calories, etc.). For the first time in a long time I said "yes" because I was neither full, or watching calories ^_^. I ate almost all of my ice cream and strawberries (this thing is huge, normally you could split it with someone)

Thats the most fun I've had in a long time just eating.

wanna know the best part? I woke up the next day and weighed myself. I was just over a half a pound lighter than the day before.

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