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The purpose of this site is to track my progress as I explore nutrition and exercise. Hopefully you will find my experiences valuable, and be motivated to pursue a healthier lifestyle for yourself.

Finally! a real person tries "Acai Burn" (Don't buy into that garbage)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednsday Thursday Friday Saturday
Rest 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min HIIT, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min HIIT, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training Rest
Rest Rest 2 hour MMA class Rest 2 hour MMA class Rest Rest

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I've been reading about power lifting today. Most people who train for that use the Bench Press, Squat, and Dead Lift. I'm not interested in the squat right now for two reasons.

1. its hard. the technical aspect causes the squat to be very easy to mess up. I'm going for quality in my work out, and want to concentrate on perfecting my dead lift, and bench press.

2. the dead lift uses most of your muscles anyways, so doing it with the squat is semi-redundant. I want to keep my time spent in the gym-per-day down to about an hour.

my first goal for dead lift is to be able to lift my body weight. and the same for my bench, which will take a lot longer. I still need to figure out what my 1RM is. I'll update my goals and current progress later. I'm still new to the dead lift, and my bench press isn't that great, so first I want to concentrate on form before dumping on extra plates. I'd say that right now I've been working at 60% to 70% as I'm trying to figure out how to do these things right.

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