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The purpose of this site is to track my progress as I explore nutrition and exercise. Hopefully you will find my experiences valuable, and be motivated to pursue a healthier lifestyle for yourself.

Finally! a real person tries "Acai Burn" (Don't buy into that garbage)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednsday Thursday Friday Saturday
Rest 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min HIIT, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min HIIT, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training Rest
Rest Rest 2 hour MMA class Rest 2 hour MMA class Rest Rest

Monday, March 24, 2008

Workout Goals

As you may already know, I've started powerlifting on a ten workout cycle. In other words I progressively add 5 lbs to each workout for ten workouts. Then at the end of the cycle I rest for a few days and when I start my next cycle I increase my first workout in the cycle by 20 lbs from the first workout of the last cycle. I lift and hit the bag 5 days a week, and on Saturday and Sunday I do some push-ups, and sprints (at least I'm going to start, I've been lazy).

At the beginning of this cycle I tested to see what I could bench and deadlift. I figure my bench was about 155 and my deadlift was about 225. This morning I pulled 215 no problem for a set of 5, and I put up 160 for a set of 5. I'm sure my improvements are due to the fact that I'm performing the same lifts every day and as I grow more familiar with them my technique improves. I'm getting close to not being able to do a set of 5 for my bench press, so I know I'm almost at my limit. My deadlift however is another story, my technique has improved just over the last week or so, and I think I could easily deadlift a 1 rep max of 250-275, but I'm not going to test it because I don't want to hurt myself. slow and steady, that's my style.

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