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The purpose of this site is to track my progress as I explore nutrition and exercise. Hopefully you will find my experiences valuable, and be motivated to pursue a healthier lifestyle for yourself.

Finally! a real person tries "Acai Burn" (Don't buy into that garbage)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednsday Thursday Friday Saturday
Rest 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min HIIT, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min HIIT, 30 min bodyweight training 20 min Circuit Training, 30 min bodyweight training Rest
Rest Rest 2 hour MMA class Rest 2 hour MMA class Rest Rest

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 2- Deja Vu

Well, the second time around is not as exciting as the first. I pretty much don't feel any different since it was not a very drastic change (that's a good thing I guess).

Last night I had a vegetable stir fry, and three ears of corn, then I finished up with some chocolate ice cream :D (lol, it was good though)

Today I've eaten two bananas, a thing of blueberries, and some raisins. I've also had about a half gallon of water.

Been feeling pretty good today, nothing out of ordinary to report. Oh, I was 167lbs and 11% body fat when I checked this morning.

That's all, peace out.

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